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Most of our eBooks can be read on Apple’s iPad and iPhone portable devices. To do so, you need to purchase the EPUB or PDF version of a title and install iBooks or another eReader application on your device.
Other eReader Applications
While we focus on it in this section, iBooks isn’t the only eReader application for the iPad and iPhone. Other popular eReader applications include the following:
Barnes & Noble NOOK
Amazon Kindle
Search the Apple App Store to download any of these applications.
Installing iBooks on Your iPad or iPhone
There are several eReader applications available for the iPad and iPhone, but the most popular is iBooks. This is a free application developed by Apple for use on its iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch devices.
iBooks can read eBooks in both EPUB and PDF formats. It is best suited, however, for reading EPUB-format books, which flow automatically from page to page on your device’s screen. You can easily increase or decrease the size of the book’s text, and iBooks instantly reformats the pages accordingly.
To download iBooks to your device, go to the Apple App Store and search for “ibooks.” Follow the onscreen instructions to install the free application.